Monday, September 13, 2010

Personal Quote

I chose this quote because it's short, sweet and to the point. It also shows that you must stand up and believe in something or believe in yourself, so I emphasized the words "nothing" and "anything," because I feel that those two words needed to be emphasized to actually get the meaning of the quote.


  1. i like the way you did this! it looks like it came off of an ad in a magizine!

  2. I like this quote and believe it. Nice job.

  3. This is excellent. Love the quote. Love the emphasize, its so easy to spot. It's simplistic and yet impacting. Great job. :)

  4. I like the look of the quote. The highlighting of the words. But I would like to the words to speak more than the decorations. Maybe color on those words along side the size emphasis. You could also play with layout to gain the same boldness as the highlighting.

  5. I also like the impact of the highlighting, but it creates some legibility issues by drawing the eye to two different surfaces. The letters of those words could always be dark red...
    ...but otherwise I'm happy.
